Welcome To AlbumLinerNotes.com
"The #1 Archive of Liner Notes in the World!"

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The Art of Liner Notes
Since this website was launched in October of 2007, I am glad to have heard only positive things.

One of the comments frequently made is the ease of reading. While I appreciate the artistic statement that so many musicians insist on representing in the CD booklet, they are very often extraordinarily difficult to read.

For those of us (and there are a lot of us) that enjoy the actual reading of the information, the "artistic statement" is our undoing. There are instances where the writing has been obscured by photographs, mysterious font choices, barely readable font size, black on black text, words in reverse, circular or shaped text - the list goes on and on.

Sometimes, I have to laugh over the style that some musicians have chosen to present their work (we laugh as we pull our hair out then adjust our glasses and lighting). Our mission was originally to present the missing information to the masses, but (as a pleasant aside) it is now easier to read for most everyone.

I always thought that if iTunes would only provide a PDF document with all the information available in the CD booklet, that would be perfect. But it would still require the deciphering of the "artistic statement."

So, we press on here at AlbumLinerNotes.com.


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