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Composed by Ian Anderson/Jennie Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
8. HYMN 43
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
Produced by Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis
(P) 1971 The Copyright in this sound recording is
owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Bonus Tracks
Composed by Ian Anderson
(P) 1990 The Copyright in this sound recording is owned by
Chrysalis Records Ltd.
(Quad Version)
Composed by Ian Anderson
(P) 1974 The Copyright in this sound recording is owned by
Chrysalis Records Ltd.
14. Excerpts From The Ian Anderson Interview
Courtesy of Mojo Magazine
Interviewer John
Recorded February 22, 1996
(P) 1996 The Copyright in this sound recording is owned by
Chrysalis Records Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
BBC Producer Bernie
Engineered by Allen Harris & Bob
First transmission date 4 August 1968
1968 The Copyright in this sound recording is released by
arrangement with BBC Worldwide Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson
BBC Producer John
Engineered by Tony Wilson
transmission date 22 June 1969
(P) 1968 The Copyright
in this sound recording is released by arrangement with
BBC Worldwide Ltd.
Composed by Ian Anderson/Johann Sebastian Bach
Producer John Walters
Engineered by Tony Wilson
transmission date 22 June 1969
(P) 1968 The Copyright
in this sound recording is released by arrangement with
BBC Worldwide Ltd.
All tracks published by
Salamander & Son Ltd./Chrysalis Music Ltd.
1-11 orchestra arranged & conducted by David Palmer
Anderson – Flute, acoustic guitar and voice
Bunker – A thousand drums and percussion
Martin Barre –
Electric guitar and descant recorder
John Evan – Piano,
organ and mellotron
Jeffrey Hammond – Bass guitar, alto
recorder and odd voices
the beginning Man created God;
And in the image of Man
created he him.
2 And Man gave unto God a
multitude of names,
that he might be Lord over all the
earth when it was suited to Man.
3 And on the
seven millionth day Man rested
and did lean heavily on
his God and saw that it was good.
4 And Man
formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground,
and a host
of others likened unto his kind.
5 And these
lesser men Man did cast into the void. And some were
and some were put apart from their kind.
And Man became the God that he had created
and with his
miracles did rule over all the earth.
7 But as
these things did come to pass,
the Spirit that did
cause Man to create his God
lived on within all men:
even within Aqualung.
8 And Man saw it not.
But for Christ’s sake he’d better start looking.
– What the papers said…
“Tull is one of the most
serious and intelligent groups, and Anderson’s choice of
subject for Aqualung – the distinction between religion and
God – is witness to that. Further, Tull is a musical
sophistication to match its thematic ambitions.”
is the album’s lead character, and is so named for his
rheumy cough. Side one consists of a series of seedy
vignettes drawn from modern secular English life, while the
printed lyrics are cast in Gothic lettering to emphasise the
album’s liturgical basis. The title song depicts the beggar
in all his shabbiness and lechery. Aqualung is actually
three songs; as the different moods of the narrator unfold,
the music changes accordingly. The initial melodic statement
sung in a harsh, surly voice is ugly and plodding; it then
shades into something milder and more sympathetic, then into
something which rocks a little more.
“Side two,
subtitled ‘My God’, deals more explicitly with religion. The
rub of the issue is Christian hypocrisy, how people
manipulate notions of God for their own ends. There is some
rather obvious talk of plastic crucifixes. Blakean allusions
to locking ‘Him in His golden cage’ and invective: ‘The
bloody Church of England / In chains of history / Requests
your earthly presence at / The vicarage for tea’. Beneath
the accusatory tone is a moving musical theme. Again, the
structure is constantly shifting. There are stately hymnal
changes, a jazzy flute break, a pomp-and-circumstance motif
which, when inverted, assumes more chromatic, modern
queasiness. The gamut of religious experience is encompassed
in this song.
“‘Wind Up’ winds up the album and
embodies most of the album’s difficulties. While Anderson is
adept at conceiving a musical approximation of an idea, his
lyrics are overly intentional, ponderous and didactic. It
would be possible to ignore the lyrics, as lyrics can
usually be ignored, except that Anderson sings them so
melodramatically. Nor is his theatricality appropriate to
the ideas or words. The over-enthusiastic delivery is
probably meant to compensate for his inherent vocal
limitations, but the original problem is Anderson’s choice
of subject. At a time when the more arcane varieties of
religious experiences are trumpeted far and wide, and
atheism and agnosticism still more than hold their own, it
is difficult for the modern temper to get worked up over
good old-fashioned Christian hypocrisy.”
– Rolling Stone
the packaging of the music it contains, this album is a
complete work and this is from a group who were considered
basically a live act. They improve every time out.”
– Sounds
heavens, now Ian Anderson wants us to think!”
– Headline from Disc & Music Echo
is undoubtedly Jethro Tull’s most significant album to date
and although comparisons are often odious to the artist
concerned, the highest compliment I feel able to offer is
that in significance it rates with Townshend’s ‘Tommy’.”
– Melody Maker
are at a potential danger point … around the stage where,
having undergone personnel changes and guaranteed a certain
response for whatever they attempt, a lapse of effort could
bring on the disintegration of respect that is currently
gnawing like woodworm at so many established bands. Yet the
evidence of their fourth album is solidly against the rot
getting even a foothold in the revamped JT.
are still growing; not leaping ahead in gargantuan jumps but
doggedly and conscientiously pursuing and exploiting Ian
Anderson’s and the band’s capabilities as writers and
performers in the restrained manner that has always been
their trademark.
“Aqualung is progression within
the distinctive area of music Jethro made and still hold as
their own; more aggressive and riffy than the sweatily
satisfying, under-rated Benefit. Certainly the time and
meticulous attention that has gone into every facet of the
product should be self-evident.”
Aqualung has been remastered using the Prism Sound
Super-Noise-Shaping system. Recordings carrying the Prism
Sound SNS logo have been converted to digital format using
state-of-the-art analogue to digital converters and
processed down to 16-bit format for CD using the Prism
Sound Super-Noise-Shaping system. The process reduces the
apparent level of background noise and equally important,
subtly modifies the psycho-acoustic properties of the
recording to enhance the sense of presence and realism.
With the extra dynamic range and accuracy of the Prism
Sound SNS system “digital distortion” is virtually
(P) 1996 The Copyright in this
sound recording is owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd.
1998 Chrysalis Records Ltd., Manufactured by Chrysalis
Records Inc., 1750 N. Vine St., Hollywood, CA 90028. All
rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation
of applicable laws. Printed in U.S.A.
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