This is the iTunes version of the album, download here: 
For the CD version available from Best Buy, click here.
To download the digital booklet, click here.
1. That Lucky Old Sun
2. Morning Beat
3. Narrative: Room With A View
4. Good Kind Of Love
5. Forever She'll Be My Surfer Girl
6. Narrative: Venice Beach
7. Live Let Live / That Lucky Old Sun (Reprise)
8. Mexican Girl
9. Narrative: Cinco de Mayo
10. California Role / That Lucky Old Sun (Reprise)
11. Narrative: Between Pictures
12. Oxygen To The Brain
13. Can't Wait Too Long
14. Midnight's Another Day
15. That Lucky Old Sun (Reprise)
16. Going Home
17. Southern California
18. Oh Mi Amor
(Bonus Track)
19. Message Man
(Bonus Track)
Additional musician:
Danny Hutton on vocals
Additional production: Scott Bennett
Orchestral arrangements: Paul Von Mertens
Additional arrangements:
Darian Sahahnaja and Scott Bennett
Engineered by Mark Linett
Assistant engineers:
Aaron Walk and Paul Smith at Capitol
and Kevin Mills at Henson
Mixed by Brian Wilson, Scott Bennett and
Michael Corcoran
Mastered by Bob Ludwig at
Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, Maine
That Lucky Old Band:
Brian Wilson: lead vocals, keyboards
Jeffrey Foskett: background vocals, guitar,
Darian Sahanaja: background vocals,
keyboards, bells
Scott Bennett: background vocals, keys,
vibes, spanish guitar
Paul Von Mertens: saxes, clarinet, flute
Probyn Gregory: background vocals, guitars,
french horn, trumpet
Nick Walusko: background vocals, guitars
Nelson Bragg: background vocals, percussion
Taylor Mills: background vocals
Bob Lizik: bass
Todd Sucherman: drums
Additional Musicians:
Tommy Morgan: harmonicas on “Going Home”
Brett Simons: acoustic bass on “Mexican Girl”
and electric bass on “Going Home”
Scott Bennett: bass on “Southern California”
Violin 1: Peter Kent, Concertmaster
Violin 2: Sharon Jackson
Viola: Jessica Vanvelzen
Cello: Cameron Stone, Peggy Baldwin
Woodwinds: Phil Feather
Trombone: Charlie Moralis, Bruce Otto
Narratives by Van Dyke Parks
Special Thanks:
To my loving wife, Melinda, forever you will
be my surfer girl.
To my sweet children, Daria, Delanie,
and Dylan who love and inspire me everyday.
Carnie, Wendy and their families.
My beloved brothers Carl and Dennis,
I miss you everyday of my life.
Rose, Patrick, Joey, Lenny and
Kenny Ledbetter and family.
Jonah Wilson. Justyn Wilson & Family.
My incredibly talented band and their
The Van Dyke & Sally Parks Family.
The greatest friends ever,
Gloria Ramos, Marta Escobar, David & Eva
Leaf and Ray Lawlor
Additional Thanks:
Herb Agner, Jane Beese,
Rodney Bingenheimer, “Boogie,”Alan Boyd,
Ky Cabot, Chris Carter, Angie Castro and
family, Gilmore Ching @ Hana Ukulele,
Eric Custer, Richie Davis, Michael DeMartin,
Peter Grosslight, Steve Guest, “Haircut,”
Leeann Hard, Jenny Harrison,
Samantha Henfrey, Carole King,
Ross Lahey, Peter Leinheiser and Juilette Avery @ Gibson Guitars,
Glenn Jones, David Levine, Mark Linett,
Mark London, Rob Mailman, Barry Mallen,
Steve Marmer, Glenn Maxx, Paki Newell,
Lee Phillips, Ricky Riker, Rolland Ryan,
Jennifer Santos, Todd & Vivienne Sievers,
Stockholm Strings ‘N’ Horns,
Todd Sucherman, Alan @ Telefunken
Microphones. Will Twork, Neil Warnock,
John Warren, Mark Bookin and
Fred Walleke @ Westwood Music,
Kustom Amps. Ronn Werre, Rick Camino,
Bill Gagnon, John Ray, Jane ventom,
Stacey Freeman, Jennifer Ballantyne,
Tom Recchion, John Owen,
Jason Boyd, Aaron Streigel,
Paula Minardi, Jesse Ervin.
Art direction: Tom Recchion
Design: Martin venezky / Appetite
Photography: James Minchin III
Additional photography: Martin venezky
Innerart: stephenbyram
Postcards: The Oblivia Collection
Management: Jean Sievers,
Dick Lippin SOOP LLC
Project & marketing consultation:
Herb Agner
Publicity: Jean Sievers, The Lippin Group
Soft-pack printed on 30% post-consumer waste
paper using minimal voc inks.
(P) (C) 2008 Brimel under exclusive license to
Capitol Records, LLC. manufactured by
Capitol Records, LLC.,
1750 N. Vine Street,
Hollywood, California 90028.
All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction
is a violation of applicable laws.
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